How To Drastically Boost Your Bodies Recovery Rate While Reducing Pain From Injuries & Inflammation 

The issue with pain and inflammation in the human body is that it is very highly subjective.

Treatment can be challenging as you may know, and medications can have long-term side effects that lead to other ailments and conditions.

Inflammation is one of our bodies many natural processes, that is designed to protect us from serious conditions like viruses, or diseases that could otherwise harm our long-term health.

But in some ailments, such as arthritis for example our bodies natural response triggers inflammation when there are no other conditions to fight off resulting in either acute or chronic pain in our bodies.

Chronic pain or even acute pain can be highly distracting, and have an effect on our physical and mental health.

So how do you get rid of it once and for all? Or at least reduce it to a lower severity so that you can focus again?

Red Light Therapy For Joint Pain & Inflammation


First it's important to understand how traditional medications work when it comes to reducing the pain we feel in our bodies.

Traditional over the counter medications don't treat the underlying issue. They block our perception of pain.

Not only do they not treat the actual source of the problem, but many come with long-term side effects that build on the issue rather than combatting it.

Unlike traditional treatments, Red Light Therapy penetrates the surface of your skin, muscle tissue, and joints to directly treat the problem area.

The mitochondria in our cells are triggered by Red & Near-Infrared wavelengths that generate more energy in the body.

The result? Many clinical trials and scientific studies have proven RLT to greatly reduce pain and inflammation in the body.

In fact many professional sports organizations have started using Red Light Therapy for quicker recovery from pain and injuries.

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Benefits of Using RLT For Joint Pain & Inflammation

Activation of Stem Cell Production
The health of our bones is a significant factor in keeping our bodies running efficiently.

Stem cells generally remain in an inactive, dorment state until they are needed due to an injury, cell damage, or some kind of infection where they are carried via the bloodstream to the affected area.

They then develop into any cell that is needed to help heal and recover your body.

One proven use for Red Light Therapy is in activating the production of stem cells in the bone marrow to naturally support the healing process in your body.

Increased Production of Collagen
Firstly, collagen is the protein that gives the skin of our bodies it's structure.

It is the major component of connective tissues that make up several body parts, including tendons, ligaments, skin, and muscles.

When muscle tissue experiences a tear due to injury or excessive exercise, the collagen in your body works to reform the tissue.

This is one of the primary benefits of Red Light Therapy, and collagen has far reaching effects on your skin health to keep you looking younger and healthy.
Decrease in Oxidative Stress
Oxidative stress is an imbalance of free radicals and antioxidants in the body, which can lead to cell and tissue damage.

Oxidative stress occurs naturally and plays a role in the aging process.

However, long-term oxidative stress contributes to the development in a range of chronic conditions. Such conditions include cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

Uncontrolled oxidative stress can accelerate the aging process and may contribute to the development of a number of conditions.

Red Light Therapy has been proven to decrease inflammation and oxidative stress in muscle biopsies.
Enhanced Muscle Recovery Rate
Read more on the benefits of RLT for Muscle Recovery here.
Boost Energy Levels & Performance
Using Light therapy before exercise: By using red & near-infrared (NIR) light before performing any kind of exercise you can give your muscle significant boosts in strength and endurance.

It can be viewed as a natural pre-workout that doesn’t make you crash or feel jittery.

Using light therapy after exercise: Using Red & NIR after exercise can increase muscle mass gained after training, and decrease inflammation and oxidative stress in muscle biopsies.

Leading to faster recovery time with more effective growth.

RLT Devices For Joint Pain & Inflammation

The Bottom Line


If you're looking for an alternative solution to side-effect heavy prescription medications for your pain, look no further.

Red Light Therapy is the all-natural superior solution to acute and chronic pain that is effective, non-invasive, safe, and an enjoyable experience to use at home.

A 20-minute RLT session can work wonders for joint pain and inflammation, and consistently treating your problem areas daily rapidly accelerates the healing process.

Take time each day to treat painful areas with one of our RLT devices, and you'll be pleasently surprised by the benefits it has to offer.

Check out some of our in-house light therapy devices that can help you combat acute and chronic pain and leave you with an array of other benefits as well.

Shop the entire product line now!
